Wednesday 14 October 2009

Skye and Spider, making the most of their time together before Spider is weaned.

Autumn hunting went really well yesterday - we went with the Bicester and as most of them had been to the 'Pub of the month' the night before it was very relaxed. Red and Dream were very well behaved and Frog was her normal batty self. This morning we went with the Pytchley at Staverton, I was on Dream again, Doug was on Harry and Amy on Dove - it was lovely to watch the sun come up as we watched the hounds work. The colours in the trees are quite overwhelming at the moment and it is such a pleasure to be out. Doug rather enjoyed being on a 'normal' horse but I hope he didn't get too used to him as I have bagged him for my hunter for the season! We had our normal hunt breakfast when we got back and then got on with some work....

The youngsters, now broken in and enjoying the autumn sunshine.


