Tuesday 7 October 2014

Sea Rock with his new coat
Sea Rock, one of our Irish recruits was bought by Mr Allen, our landlord, shortly after our open day, and Chris who works for him bought some new rugs for Rock. He really was absolutely delighted with his new clothes and is so precious about it he hasn't rolled since. I found the following email on my ipad which he must have written (!?)

Dear Auntie Chris,

Top of the morning to you! To be shure I had to thank you so much for my new rug – I have never had a brand new rug before as when I used to live in Oiland my rugs were only good for ventilation and I had to share with Murphy.  I have to say I tink I look very handsome in mine and noticed that Cloud, the girl next door was giving me the eye since I have worn it. Please say thank you to the man in the ‘Big House’ who has very kindly agreed to buy me.

I am really enjoying my new home although they have some funny habits here….. They keep trying to feed me ‘treats’ – white things with holes in – Beejeezuz, I’m shore they are going to poison me, but sometimes they manage to get one in my mouth and before I spit it out it actually tastes quite nice, but I’m shure they are just trying to trick me. Although I was very suspicious of something that looked like an orange finger and spat that out every time but actually really loike it now.

They also do funny things on my back – In Oiland this little fella would smack me with a stick and we would go a flat out gallop everywhere. It used to make my muscles ache as I am very big for my age and hadn’t finished growing, but here my rider bobs up and down on me doing a ting called trotting to “build up my core strength”  Very strange but I have to admit I am feeling a lot better, so I am, and I love doing something different every day. I even went out to chase some dogs, so I did, hunting they called it -  I couldn’t catch them because they kept running into the woods, but begorrah, it was such fun.

Beejeezus, I hope you and my very nice owner can come and watch me in my first race in England where I have heard that you all stand around and eat sandwiches and drink port. Must go as my boss doesn’t tink I can use her ipad.

Love from Rock xxx