Friday 3 October 2014

Yesterday we had a great morning with Budge (Don't Budge Me) and Murphy's (Glory Hunter) owners, Irena, Graham and Alun who came up from North London. Pete was riding Budge and Toby on Murphy and put them in the menage for the first time - It was a bit of a risk as we probably should have had a 'practice run' first, and they were both a bit sticky over the tyres to begin with, particularly Murphy, but in the end they were jumping both the tyres and the hurdle really well and it was lovely to see their confidence growing. They then went for a canter around the all weather gallop. It is still too firm to use the grass field but we are expecting some rain this weekend so hopefully we will be in there soon. Two very nice horses, and just what Peter and Toby needed to enthuse them for the coming season and give them an incentive to lose that summer weight.
We are now at the trotting up hills stage with the horses to build up their core strength and got 15 horses out this morning. We have had the most amazing summer but all that is about to change.I have just been for a long walk to soak up the last of the beautiful weather.. The swallows have all gone home now and there is a chill in the air in the mornings so it won't be long now before winter is upon us. I normally get the 'blues' at this time of year as I love the summer so much, but I am actually quite looking forward to cosy nights in front of the open fire and can't wait for the new season to start.