Tuesday 11 July 2017

Cosy Cocoons

Henry and' Grandpa Doug'

Our new Glamping site (Cosy Cocoons) has recently opened and we were able to make the most of it during this beautiful weather on Saturday evening. We were playing badminton until it got dark and then all sat around the fire until the children fell asleep in one of the cocoons.  It was one of those very special occasions that stays a wonderful memory forever. The weather has now broken and Jay has gone back to India which made it even more special...... so far it really has been a wonderful summer and although we got some much needed rain today it is set to be lovely again tomorrow. I have swam in the river most evenings and on Monday I swam within an arms length of a kingfisher that was sitting on his fishing perch. He has got so used to me that he just watched as I swam within inches of him. Just so beautiful.