Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Happy days! Racing is back on and luckily both Jess and Budge have had their vaccinations within six months so they can both go - Ironically they are the only two that could have gone as all the others were vaccinated in June and so had to be done today. They will have the next few days off and will then start work again on Monday ready to race at the following weekend.
It was a lovely spring day today and I saw the first daffodil out in full bloom - I LOVE daffodils and they always lift my spirits as it means we are hopefully coming to the end of the worst of the winter weather.
A great day all round as I also bought some flights to Japan and booked our tickets for the Rugby world cup final and semi finals in October - SO excited!  I can't believe how organised I have been - Most unlike me. Even if England don't get that far it will still be great to watch some high class rugby and to have an excuse to explore Japan.