Friday, 8 February 2019

Oh dear - So much for 'all systems go' with racing - Just as the ground comes good there has been an outbreak of Equine Flu which has led to the cancellation of all racing. The BHA have acted quickly and hopefully it won't be long before racing begins again. In the meantime we are really lucky to have the big grass field nearby and a long way from the main gallops and the other yards. The horses really love cantering around that field and the ground is perfect at the moment so we can keep the horses fit and happy until racing starts again. It must be an absolute nightmare for the big yards, especially the ones that have Cheltenham hopefuls as there is only five weeks before the Gold Cup and any interruption now could make a very detrimental difference, assuming Cheltenham is on that is....
On a more positive but slightly frustrating note, all the horses are absolutely flying at the moment and Secret Getaway has settled in really well and is a lovely natured mare. We haven't cantered her yet but she feels like she has got a huge engine. A "proper horse" as Stuart said, and he wasn't wrong!