Monday, 8 April 2019

We had a very sociable day yesterday at the races but not much joy with the horses - They both won Best Turned Out but then ran like hairy goats.... Kingsley we weren't expecting much from as he is a huge horse and is relatively weak so will need more time to strengthen up - However, we were very disappointed with Ted Thistle - He ran well for a circuit and a half and then suddenly pulled up. He was scoped this morning and although it was a bit dirty it wasn't enough to stop him but the vet thought it was more likely to be his wind which was the problem. Added to this we had tried him in a different bit as he ran away with Billy last time and we wanted to make sure it didn't happen again but possibly it was too severe for him as he didn't really pick up the bridle. So, depending on the results of the scope we may run him again next week with a tongue tie and a softer bit before we decide whether he needs a wind operation or not before the end of the season.
The ground was perfect and it was a great day of racing. It is always nice to catch up with old friends from the Pytchley, my old stamping ground, and the organisers did a fantastic job to ensure that everyone had a jolly good day out...
Velvet Cloud is our star of the yard so far this season....Who would have thought it!