Friday, 28 August 2020

Visit from Andrea Leadsom

This morning the 'men in suits' with clipboards came to partake in their land grab. SO sad. We couldn't bear to be around so we left them to it. However, in the afternoon we got a visit from Andrea Leadsom, our MP. I took her for a drive round in the buggy and she was blown away with the farm and could totally understand why the huts were so successful here. The buggy had an 'off day' and refused to go back up the hill, so she jumped out and pushed it - Good ole girl! She was surprisingly strong and got the buggy going again. Anyway, we had a long discussion and she has got a plan. She's a very strong character and not to be messed with. She is absolutely appalled and disgusted by the way we have been treated by HS2 and her visit was very timely. It is so nice to know that there is still someone with humanity and integrity in parliament as we had totally lost heart and she has given us some hope.

River Hut on the move....