Friday 18 September 2009

Great excitement! The worms for the eco-dunny have arrived! A good friend, Heather Gorringe and fellow Nuffield has an award winning company called Wiggly Wigglers and she has very kindly allowed us to 'adopt' a few worms to get our eco-loo started. They are in the stable at the moment getting over the journey, but as soon as they are settled they will be introduced to their new home. Doug was questioned by Heather about the quality and amount of food they might be getting and he agreed to ensure that they would be getting a sufficient amount of the very 'highest' quality...
We are going cubbing with the Bicester this afternoon, with a barbeque afterwards so it won't be an early night. Amy is bringing her lorry so that all three horses can go. It is a beautiful day so really looking forward to it.
Must do the post, so signing off.