Sunday 21 September 2014

All back to normal now and fantastic to see all the horses, dogs, pigs, ducks and chickens looking so well. Esme and Lucy did a great job looking after the show whilst we were away, although it was obviously too much for Es as without a word to us beforehand, she has handed in her notice with a note saying "I need to move on to further my career"  A real bombshell for us as we have taught her everything she knows (she first came to us as a very green 15 yr old) and she has never even given us the slightest hint that she wasn't happy, otherwise we could have discussed it and made things better for her. We wouldn't mind so much if she had told us at the end of last season and given us a chance to find someone else but to drop this on us now, just before we get twenty horses in is a tough one for us to handle. She has gone on a prearranged weeks holiday so we are still none the wiser as to where she is moving on to but we wish her all the very best as it was great while it lasted. We thought she had enjoyed our last season as much as we had and was looking forward to the next with as much excitement as we are - Clearly not. Deeply disappointing, but Lucy has already stepped up to the mark and I am sure it will work out for the best in the end.

The weather here has been perfect and I went for the most wonderful walk along the millennium way with the four dogs. It was very nearly a disaster though as during the walk there is about no more than 200 yards on the road, but it is around a bend. The dogs were all beautifully behaved and walking to heel, but then a motorbike went past and I thought it would be safer to walk on the other side of the road. I just got to the other side and because of the motorbike I hadn't heard an oncoming car, Lucy (the brown dog) being a bit older was slower than the others and hadn't quite made it to safety when the car came around the bend - I was trying to flag it down but it was too late and they skidded into her making a horrible bang as they hit her - She did a few somersaults but thank goodness she didn't go under the wheel. It was totally my fault and I felt dreadful but she seems perfectly alright now. Just as well she's got a bit of padding! Phew. What a relief.
I met Doug for a Sunday roast in the Three Conies at Thorpe Mandeville and got a lift back.
All set for a lovely evening in watching Downton Abbey

Beautiful countryside near Thorpe Mandeville