Monday, 28 January 2019

Both our novice riders did us proud yesterday! Ben was on his new horse, 'Too much too soon' (Craig) and settled him in really well - He had a great racing line and was nicely on the inner and wouldn't give way to anyone - Even when Craig made a mistake and was shuffled to the back Ben got him right back up there. Craig got a bit tired and Ben pulled him up just at the right time which was around two from home. He would have come on nicely from the run and may need a wind operation in the future.
Lucy and Cloud are clearly made for each other! They had a fantastic round and Lucy is highly competitive - She was right up with the leading pack and came a good fourth. It was so lovely seeing Cloud on the track as she absolutely loves it. She is so tiny but has a massive heart and wants to do it so badly. They were both absolutely delighted to get a clear round and we were very happy to see them home safely.
It was too quick for Ted as the wind was drying out the track really quickly and he was in the last race but we had a great day watching the rest of the racing without any stress of having runners and thoroughly enjoyed the picnicking and socialising.  Both horses also won Best Turned Out so a great day all round...

Velvet Cloud and Lucy Burton