Sunday, 17 February 2019

Well - Things didn't go quite to plan. We thought we would be clever and put cheek pieces on both horses as we thought they could do with a bit of a 'sharpen up' - It had the reverse effect on Jess who although she has won in cheek pieces in her youth took great exception to having the indignity of half a sheep hanging off her head at her age, and wouldn't go a yard. Then it had the complete opposite effect on Budge who went like a rocket (even though the plan was to drop him out) and was still going really well in the leading group when he blundered at the open ditch second time round and deposited Billy on the turf. He then proceeded to do two more circuits of the track before he could be caught. We ended our day with me taking Billy to A&E with a suspected fractured wrist which sadly turned out to be the case. So, poor Billy is out of action for a few weeks and both horses may be on the transfer list.  They have both been great with novice riders but it is probably time they did another job. Sad, as I am still convinced that they have got another win in them ….somewhere, sometime with the moon in the right orbit and the wind blowing in the correct direction - I hate giving up on horses but with a jockey down and lots of lovely young horses coming up it is probably time to call it a day.
However, for their last public appearance they both won Best Turned Out and looked very beautiful - Jess also won the other BTO prize - Best Tailed Off, so she has gone out on a double, bless her. She has been an absolutely wonderful horse and we love her dearly so only a five star home need apply!

We Never Give Up..... Perhaps time we did!

Don't Budge Me