Monday, 6 May 2019

Pasta ran above expectations in that she jumped beautifully, kept with the pack until two from home and pulled up before the last fence. She came back to the lorry very pleased with herself so fingers crossed we can build on that and have a nice horse for next season.  Although they had done their best with the watering a number of horses were very sore after racing. Watered ground is just not 100% safe whichever way you look at it so there is always an element of risk.
We just have Jess going today, We're not running Ted as he has a bruised foot but would have been worried about the ground anyway as he needs to have some cut in it.
Lucy has fallen off Jess the past two rides so we are really hoping for a clear round and to get her 'mojo' back. Charlie Poste very kindly gave Lucy some jumping lesson while we were away and hopefully he will have given her some tips on how to stay on board. Fingers crossed....