Friday, 24 July 2020

Things seem almost normal here since the outbreak of the virus, even though today is the first day that it is compulsory to wear masks in shops..
The shepherd huts are humming with them all full and mostly with returning customers. It is great to be able to welcome them back after such a long lock down. Ironically, on Monday we had an email from a 'Fat Cat' High Earner who is head of acquisitions for HS2, a certain Michael Eckett, who demanded that we stop receiving guests "With immediate effect" as HS2 have 'acquired' our businesses. So - this public servant who is getting paid a ridiculous amount by ourselves as tax payers, has the audacity to tell us that we are no longer allowed to earn a living because they have "acquired" our businesses even though they haven't paid a penny for them!!??  Unbelievable. We also know for a fact from a very reliable source that HS2 will not be needing the land at Blackgrounds farm for at least 9 months. This proves what a spiteful, bullying, cruel and corrupt organisation HS2 is and not surprisingly we are going to continue running our business as before.
We had a lovely day on Wednesday with the little 'uns, Jessica and Henry and their Dad and Mum Joseph and Sophie.  Lovely to actually see them again after such a long time. 
The foals are growing like weeds and give so much pleasure. They are terrible time wasters.