Monday, 24 August 2020

The "Land Grab" at Blackgrounds Farm

We have got a tough few days ahead - The "Land Grab" which HS2 themselves proudly call it between themselves is due to take place on Friday the 28th. We have already cleared the shepherd huts from the land which was very difficult. It isn't just the huts it is the whole infra structure around them which Doug had lovingly built. The worst thing is that when HS2 (James Tyler Morris and the valuation team) valued our businesses they never actually took the time to come and see them. They had no idea exactly how much work had gone into each hut and why they were so special. That is perhaps why they valued them at less than 90% of three other independent valuations. How can you value anything if you don't actually make the effort to see it?  Quite extraordinary. I have just looked up the meaning of "Land Grab" which is exactly what HS2 have called the possession due to take place on Friday -  An act of seizing land in an opportunistic or unlawful manner.  That says it all...……….. They have no respect or decency and this just proves it.


