Friday 2 December 2011

Oh dear - Doris is running tomorrow and the nerves are kicking in.....She schooled really well this morning and just had one canter up the gallop where she was on top form, so there is nothing more we can do except hope that she has a good educational run and finishes the race wanting to do it again, where she can be more competitive. You have to be very careful with mares not to bottom them first time out, no matter how good you think they are, as if they give their all and find it hard then they wont want to do it again.
Carolyn Tanner from Weatherbys came to look around the yard yesterday as she was keen to write a yard report which has just been posted on the internet. makes quite amusing reading...
Anyway, must go and get things organised for tomorrow. All we want is for Doris to come home safe and sound..