Thursday 11 September 2014

I am sitting here at 4am in Gatwick with fellow bleary eyed passengers waiting for a flight to Volos. We are taking our customary break away to Greece before the season starts in earnest . The horses are all shod up now and either going on the walker or being ridden. We have got a super team of horses for the coming season, having thankfully managed to keep all our new purchases from Ireland in the yard, so we have got a lot to look forward to.

How we managed to fit in so much yesterday I will never know. Doug had five jobs to do which included drilling two game covers, spraying Buckingham rugby club, mowing Old Laurenthians rugby club,  picking up fencing materials and quoting for another job. I had to do my Velvet Energy orders, plus all the Burghley and Equine fitness orders, organise the horses, clean the whole house  do the washing for the shepherd hut changeovers, do the future bookings and phone calls for the two shepherd huts and the cottage (they are still very busy because of the Indian summer we are enjoying) get paperwork done for insurance purposes,  treat our lame ducks leg,  erect a pen to ensure that Percy and Peppa couldn't escape in our absence,  have a quick coffee with Dad, answer all the emails, water all the hanging baskets etc and then at half past five we realised that if we didn't hurry we would miss the post so managed to pack our suitcases in exactly twelve minutes before shutting the sad looking dogs up and roaring out the gate to catch the last post in Banbury with one minute to spare.  Phew.
I am off to get some suitable reading material and then beach here I come!