Monday 15 September 2014

I am sitting on the balcony overlooking the Aegean Sea and a stunning view. We have done very little apart from sunbathing, reading (I am already on my third book), swimming, walking and of course eating! We love it here as there are four or five beaches within walking distance and you can nearly always find a completely deserted one.
Last night we went to Daisy and Martin's house for supper, which was a lovely occasion. Our friendship started when we stayed in their apartment about five years ago as they used to rent it out. Now they live in it themselves and I don't blame them as it is absolutely beautiful and in the most wonderful location. We were drinking Verve, eating olives and looking out to the twinkling lights of the fisherman on the sea. It was very special.
 For the main course we ate Martin's fish that he had caught that day. They weren't very big (in truth they were tiny) but as he solemnly, but with a wry smile, told us that the big fish were more likely to carry toxins, we were reassured that not only were they very tasty but also passed the EU safety standards,,,
Back to the balcony.... Just so that you don't get too jealous we have a loud German family next door with a screaming baby, who started grizzling at 6 am this morning so it's not all peaches and to the beach!