Wednesday, 12 February 2020

HS2 has got the 'green light'. Terrible news but not unexpected. There has been too many backhanders and dodgy deals that would have all been exposed if it had been called off.  The one good thing is that Grant Shapps, the Transport Minister said on TV news this morning that he was aware that HS2 Ltd had been treating people unfairly with the compensation in the past and that was all going to change... He said that the people affected by HS2 should be treated with respect and paid decent compensation. That remains to be seen but at least it is a step in the right direction.
However, my heart is breaking over the destruction of the beautiful countryside. We have three majestic oaks at the bottom of our field which must be at least 300 years old and have all been tagged for felling. SO sad.

One of the trees that will be cut down
We have until the 15th April to find somewhere else for us and our menagerie to live. Now that it is definitely going to happen we can't wait to get away from bulldozers, diggers, fluorescent jackets and the busy dirty roads.  I don't want to be around to see any more of this carnage. The more remote the better...