Sunday, 20 September 2020

 This beautiful weather continues. The little 'uns, Henry and Jessica came over with Joe and Sophie to see Tatty's week old puppies - They weren't really supposed to happen as Jack was supposed to he having the snip but it did and they are GORGEOUS. Joe and Sophie want a little boy and the other four puppies have lovely homes to go to at this stage.

I haven't seen the other grandchildren lately as since going back to school they have had a couple of minor health scares with high temperatures etc - This wouldn't normally be a problem but with Covid Emma is being extra careful. However, I have been told that India has got a lovely new pony and now her older brother Archie has also started to ride and is enjoying her other pony Hunnie, so they can now ride together. It looks as though I will be sorted out for work riders and jockeys in ten years time!

Dad is fast approaching his 90th Birthday (October 1st) and has just got back from a short break in Northumberland. Peter, my brother took him and it was rather brave of him as Dad doesn't like coming out of his comfort zone and his memory isn't what it was. Anyway, they both survived and well done to Peter. It will have helped Dad going somewhere different and although it was a long journey I think he really enjoyed it.